Interactive Physics
Physics Simulation Software for the Classroom

Easy Curriculum Integration
Interactive Physics helps students master concepts in a fun, safe, fast-paced environment, without costly lab supplies and time-consuming lab setup. Your physics lectures and lab activities immediately benefit from Interactive Physics!
- Select from a wide range of ready-to-run exercises built for your curriculum
- Rapidly customize existing models to meet your specific needs
- Create and share models with instructors and students
- Compare simulation data with theoretical results
- Demonstrate hard-to-explain concepts like Coriolis acceleration
- Show properties of objects that you cannot see in a lab, for example, vectors or the path of a body
Complete Curriculum Support
- Offers both high school and college level ancillary support, with supplementary exercises, and activities for easy lesson planning and grading
- Widely adopted by major textbooks with complementary textbook problems
- Excellent in-class demonstrations
- The Interactive Physics Homework Edition allows students to work at home and exchange assignments electronically with instructors and other students