Interactive Physics
Physics Simulation Software for the Classroom

Interactive Physics Curriculum Workbook for Students

Written by Stanford University professor Dr. Paul Mitiguy, the Interactive Physics curriculum workbook provides a straightforward, step-by-step physics curriculum for easy integration of motion simulation technology into your science classroom. Aligned with national curriculum standards, this workbook will give your students simple explanations, lessons, and comprehensive instructions on how to use simulations as they learn essential physics topics.
- NEW physics curriculum workbook with 58 fully interactive exercises
- Topics include distance, speed, time, acceleration, projectile motion, gravity, air resistance, Newton's laws, friction, weight, mass, gravity, highway safety, springs, Energy, temperature, heat transfer, waves, and sound
- Click here to see examples of the curriculum workbook
- Requires Full or Homework Edition of Interactive Physics
- The Instructor Edition workbook accompanies the full edition of Interactive Physics
- A reproducible Student Edition ships with a 10-user license or greater
- Available Now
Curriculum Integration
Interactive Physics ships with a library of 150+ ready-to-run simulations that cover a wide range of physics topics. These simulations provide excellent in-class demonstrations. You can also rapidly customize these pre-packaged simulations to meet your specific needs.
Interactive Physics is widely adopted by textbook publishers. Many textbooks include Interactive Physics simulations that are keyed to problems in the text for easy lesson planning and grading.
Interactive Physics Homework Edition
The Homework Edition (available in 10 international languages) provides an inexpensive way for students to use Interactive Physics at home and exchange physics assignments electronically with instructors and other students.
Interactive Physics Workbook - Available now.
Prentice Hall and physics professors Cindy Schwarz (Vassar College) and John Ertel (U.S. Naval Academy) have joined together to create 40 simulations coupled with workbook exercises.
Free Tutorial
Click here to download a PDF version (171K) of this introductory tutorial.
You can do this introductory tutorial with any version of Interactive Physics (full, homework, demo, textbook, etc).