Interactive Physics
Physics Simulation Software for the Classroom

Instructor Comments and Research Initiatives

After 31 years of teaching physics, Ray Smith knows what it takes to capture students imagination and keep them motivated...
Science Teacher Uses Interactive Physics Application to Encourage Active Learning (18K PDF file)
Students of all levels ... gain from being able to use more than just lab equipment and benefit by being able to use Interactive Physics.
Peter Wilding - San Rafael High School
Janice Woodrow, a physics professor at the University of British Columbia, first saw Interactive Physics demonstrated at an AAPT Conference. She immediately recognized that Interactive Physics supports Outcomes-based Learning and Technology Enhanced Instruction (computer and multimedia technology that directly simulates student learning and improves comprehension).
TESSI Research Project Supports New Teaching Model For Sciences (19K PDF file)
Its in building the models that the learning is really taking place. I was
building models and dealing with concepts I had never seen before. And I was learning physics.
It was almost like a side effect of just the pleasure of building the simulation.
Dave Vasquez - University of San Francisco
Its about the only way I know of to develop your own curriculum materials and
adapt them to your own teaching without having to know programming.
Mark Bunge - San Jose City College