Designed to help students visualize and work with specific physics problems
through simulations created with Interactive Physics files.
Forty problems of varying degrees of difficulty require students to make
predictions, change variables, and investigate "what-if" scenarios.
The workbook/study guide provides instructions, physics review, hints, and questions.
The accompanying CD-ROM contains everything students need to run simulations.
"The simulations are designed well and expertly crafted. The workbook and IP
simulations provide an easy way for teachers to assign meaningful computer
activities. The tasks are appropriate, the material relevant...students can
do the work and enjoy it."
- John Risley, North Carolina State University
"I am conviced that the simulations do a better job of teaching the principles
than conventional written exercises..."
- Professor Robert March, University of Wisconsin
"These applications are well constructed and provide direct reinforcement
of subject material in a pedagogically effective manner. The emphasis on
graphical analysis of motion would complement our use of ULI based experiments
in our physics laboratory."
- Professor Lee Bolen, University of Mississippi
"After seeing these simulations I would be very interested in using this
workbook as a supplement to our introductory physics course."
- Professor Thomas Sills, Wright College